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Just Like Shrimp! Lake Erie Drum - Sheephead Recipe

Posted Wednesday November 7, 2012

Fillet as normal. Cut the fillet at the lateral line - discard the bottom of the fillet. Sheephead are bottom feeders. Any contaminants/unwanted flavor will likely be found below the lateral line. Hint: The discarded portion of the fillet can be used for homemade fish emulsion fertilizer for the flower bed!

Cube the top portion of the fillet in sizable chunks ready for toothpicks - preferably the old fashioned wood variety.

Select your favorite quality beer or ale.

Have fresh ice ready for a large bowl of fresh iced water.

Bring the beer/ale to a rolling boil in a saucepan large enough to hold all of the sheephead chunks and be sure to use enough of the adult beverage to cover the chunks at least by an inch.

Reduce the heat to a simmer and add the chunks.

After the pot returns to a simmer, cook the chunks for no less than 10 minutes.

After cooking, quickly strain and carefully submerge the chunks in the large bowl of iced water. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for no less than an hour.

After thorough cooling, strain the chunks and loosely dry on paper towels.

Spear the chunks with toothpicks and arrange on platter ready to serve with you favorite shrimp cocktail sauce.

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